About the Course
In 2023, approximately 11.3% of middle and high school students in the United States reported using a tobacco product within the past 30 days. This includes e-cigarettes, which have been the most commonly used tobacco product among youth since 2014. These devices contain nicotine, which is highly addictive and can harm adolescent brain development, impacting young people’s health and future smoking behaviors. This course is designed for both healthcare and non-healthcare professionals--including school administrators, educators, guidance counselors, and school nurses--who would like an overview of the problem of tobacco use among young people and practical strategies to reduce use and prevent tobacco use initiation among these vulnerable populations.
In this CE activity, you will learn how to:
Identify and describe key characteristics of tobacco and nicotine products most commonly used by youth and review other emerging products.
Describe the health impacts of cigarette smoking and other tobacco product use on adolescent and young adult health.
Review the current evidence on the health effects of e-cigarette use and vaping on youth and young adults.
Provide a framework for discussing the health effects of tobacco and nicotine use with adolescents.
Understand trends in youth tobacco use and what works in prevention at a community level
Continuing Education Information
In support of improving patient care, the Duke University Health System Department of Clinical Education and Professional Development is accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), to provide continuing education for the health care team.
Duke Health Clinical Education and Professional Development is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET), and is authorized to issue IACET CEU, and authorized by IACET to offer .25 CEUs for this program.
This program is approved by the Council for Tobacco Treatment Training Programs to award 2.5 continuing education contact hours for tobacco treatment providers who successfully complete the program.